In HIM There’s No Darkness!

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Learn To Be Humble And Brave! Ark Channel 20/04/2022 Wed Luke 11b

Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. (v35)

* Healthy eyes light up the whole body. Are our motives pure? Do we seek to please God in doing good? Do we listen attentively to the Lord’s every teachings? Are we eager to put it into practice? If so, our whole living will be filled with light!


* God is good yet we suffer. Listen to the sharing of two senior pastors:
R.C. Sproul: If God Is Good, Why Do I Suffer?
John MacArthur: Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil
R.C. Sproul: If God Is Good, Why Do I Suffer?

John MacArthur: Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil

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