Feasting in God’s Kingdom! – Sunday Hope_24/04/2022

Luke, Sunday Hope Add comments

Lord, Lord, Open for Us! – Ark Channel 24/04/2022 Sunday Hope Luke 13b

… And He said to them, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate….” (v. 23-24)

* Entering the kingdom of God requires repentance and fruit-bearing, peace-making empowered by God, entering through the narrow gate and be constrained, journeying today, tomorrow and after, and pressing on in obedience as our Lord did. (v. 1-35)


* “I stand in the street. I hear the cries of the city. I see the hardships of its people. I will to serve the multitude around. Let this power of love be kindled."– famous lyrics translated from a Cantohymn The Power of Faith Hope Love (動力信望愛). Its composer Sister Vivien Yung /翁慧韻was called home to the Lord in Canada. Listen here again The Power of Faith Hope Love

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