Feeble but Faithful

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
I rebuke and discipline as many as I love… <3:19>

Black or white? Cold or warm?
1. Before God: black or white??2:17?– God give a “white stone” to those who overcomes. In the past if a judge throw out a black stone, that means the defendant was found guilty, a white stone means innocent. A white stone was also admission tickets for feasts. Having a white stone guarantees us a place with God in the feast!
2. Before men: cold or warm??3:15?– There is mineral springs near the city of Laodicea. Warm water from the springs could heal , and cold water was suitable for drinking. But the church of Laodicea was neither cold nor warm! Today, can people find the power of healing & refreshing in us?

?Bro K. W. Chan??? in HK wrote a book “Review in Philosophy” , in response of the criticism by philosopher T. M. Lee??? on the faith. Lee’s philosophies influenced Chinese intellectuals deeply but the church scholars remained silent for long. No wonder the book entered the best sellers list of Commercial Press just after it was published. Pray that the Word will no longer be misinterpreted

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