Much is Given, Much Expected!

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Give their allowance at the proper time! – Ark Channel 22/04/2022 Fri Luke 12b

It will be good for those servants whose master finds them watching when he comes. (v.37)

* Keep watching means to pay close attention. It means noticing, without fatigue, whether destructive disasters are looming. Give allowance at the proper time, giving spiritual food and materials goods to help others, until the Lord’s return!


* A prayer for peace: “…the world is slowly becoming a wilderness, and I hear booming creeping ever more closely. One day, it will destroy us. I feel the pain of millions. Yet, when I look up to the sky, I feel that everything will turn around for the better, and this cruelty will stop, and peace will come again. At the same time, I must persist in my dreams, one day they will become reality! – Anne Frank (she died in March 1945 in a concentration camp. Six months later, WW2 ended.)

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