Wholly Committed?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
and all that dwell on the earth shall do it homage …<13:8>

In Evil Times, be patient & live by faith?Rev 13??
1. Beast out of the sea?v.1- 10? … political & economic powers on earth made people kneel & worship. Are you worshipping the true God or the Antichrist?
2. Beast out of the earth?v.11 -18?… The religions on earth, mysteries acts, media, the crowd…are all giving glory to men. Today are you listening to Holy Spirit, or seeking excitement from false prophets?

? Jesus in Ukraine — I am reading history of a Christian group – Mennonite Brethren. It mentioned a leader Eduard Wuest. He knew Bible well & loved the saints deeply. His preachings brave and powerful. The Spirit used Wuest open the barren land in Russia and Ukraine, bringing a widespread revival! Historian Fritz Gruenzveig said Wuest passed away in 1859. Fruits in Russia were plentiful, numbering to 10,000 after some yrs ,and they brought gospel to America & Brazil. They were godly & zealous for the Kingdom! ?Touching story of repentance of Wuest continued tomorrow?

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