Rest yet a little while!

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
And I saw the Lamb opened one of the seven seals .. (6:1)

Prophecies for history – portrait of the world:
1. On earth: 4 horses running – gospel widespread in wars, famines, epidemics and deaths?v.1…8?
2. Below the altar: the martyrs crying – God will judge!
Under God’s warning, hearts shake with the earth!

?”A Ton of Joy”?23/12 ?… 2 gospel meeting for youths in HK. at the end of year, pls pray for highers in HK! (It works! Remember Billy Graham was saved in this kind of meeting when he was young!)
*Sam Kong to preach “The Three Secrets of Life” this Sunday, pray at 11:00am. May God save all those coming!
?Gospel forum: From Wearying to Rejoicing?speaker Peter Kok ????

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