His Protection , my Assurance!

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
…measure the temple of God, and the altar, and them that worship in it. <11:1>

Comfort in disasters — God has measured, God will keep (Rev 11:1-2):
1. Men measure the outer appearance; God measures the hearts!
2. Measure the Temple with the worshippers – we are God’s temples and we are also the worshippers. How can you escape from the Spirit?
3. Leave out the court – The people and territory outside God’s covenant have no part with Him! Return! Those abandoned by God must perish.

?66°33′ – In this cold winter have we think of the wonderful design of our earth? The angle between the axis of rotation and plane of revolution of the earth is 66°33′ and won’t deviate for a single degree. Who is the one measuring and controlling the earth in these thousands of years? If the motion of our earth goes wrong for a little ,we should had been frozen or burnt already! If anyone doesn’t love God, let him be cursed!

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