Real Peace

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… they have overcome him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and have not loved their life even unto death. <12:11>

Witnesses of Jesus – suffer & overcome with Lord!
1. War in heaven — The woman?all saints in history?has been attacked by Satan for generations, only through the blood of the Lamb they overcome! Let’s proclaim and witness God’s Words with an heart of a martyr!?Rev 12:1…12?
2. War on earth — On the cross the Messiah had overcome, the enemy is destined to death. Behold, Satan was defeated in heaven, it is forced down?Rev 12:13…17?

?Bro W. K. Tong??? ( HK), serving Jesus loyally for several decades, still in serious sickness. Yesterday I visited him, he still praised the Lord! Pls pray according to his will- for his wife recoving fr cancer operation ,and his five children / their spouses, as well as his grandchildren – all to serve God forever!
?Seasons is coming, consider giving out gospel leaflets or CDs as gifts?Chinese Bible International Ltd is giving out delicate leaflets “True Peace”. To as for it click

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