Want To Be Made Well?

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Talk Up Your Bed And Walk! Ark Channel 25/05/2022 Tue John 5a

…“See, you have been made well. Sin no more, lest a worse thing come upon you.” (v14)

* Do we have bitterness, deficiencies and despair? Tell God “I want to be made well” and trust in Him. Our Lord will grant you peace!

John 5:1-18

* Trees know how to grow peacefully, helping each other, and a good teacher for humans. The roots of trees intertwine and through the bacteria in the roots share water and nutrients. Tree is a sophisticated air-conditioning system. A 5m diameter canopy tree with lush foliage can evaporate 100 litres of water a day in the sun, three times more than a hotel air-conditioning system. Appreciate the wonders of creation and be kind to the people and trees around us.

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