Be loyal

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… the Lamb shall overcome them; for He is Lord of lords and King of kings…

No in-between – the prostitute or the bride?(Rev. 17, 19)
1. The false religion – mixture of the worldly practices and politics is the “great prostitute” ? 17:1…13 ?
2. The true church – being washed by the Lord’s blood , is the “Lamb’s bride” ?17:14… 18; 21:9 ?Are we faithful to the Lord? Or are we compromising our faith? ?17:14 ?
Now are we striving for a worldly kingdom or the kingdom of God ?

?Approaching the end 2006 , any messages, heartfelt wishes or needs for prayers to Ark Channel and the saints ?…it’s time to share them all in the Ark Channel. Also it’s time to reflect: any things remain uncompleted in 06′? Any territories unconquered for Jesus? Any sins not yet been confessed and repented? Any men whom we have not yet forgiven?
? Bro Carl Grant Gowman from Canada , was saved in a YMCA gospel meeting. In late 1911 he went to Yunnan of China to preach to the minorities till his death. He had once been kidnapped by a militia Yeung and he made his escape miraculously. Afterward Yeung joined the government and believed in Jesus, later even became a church elder ! (unbelievable?) …fr “The Sacrificing Love”

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