The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace!

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
… Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. <16:7>

Be alert in the judgments of the 7 bowls — reminders for the saints under suffering:
1. The crowd of overcomers in heaven ?Rev 14 ?1…5 ?15 ?1…4 ? … Overcoming “the beast” is possible!
2. Calamities follow one another, world war is near ?16 ? 1…14 ? … Don’t be afraid, just lead a holy life!
This is Lord’s advice to every generation!

* A ton of joy – 2 days ago God blessed the 2 gospel meetings for youth in HK. 154 students turned to Jesus! (Rejoice!)
* Yesterday I attended a baptism meeting (the last sister of the 6 siblings of my wife ,was baptized, glory be to God). Among the new disciples some met God in serious sickness (with an egg-sized tumor in the brain), completing the surgery in 10 days and their whole family repented; An old man was away from God for several decades, finally a pastor visited him and brought him back, his daughter was moved and baptized; a youth heard about the cross and softened, she burst into tears in her testimony; a mother cleansed all her idols (can’t mention them all…)

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