Jesus, come to my heart !

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
they sing a new song before the throne …<14:3>

3 pictures before dawn :
1. Lamb in heaven — the 144,000 faithful followers of the Lamb , singing new hymn; also there are angels busy in preaching even in such a great disaster ! ?Rev 14: 1…11?
2 . Saints gone through the disasters — they persisted till death and deserved the fruits of their works?14 :12…13 ?
3. Son of Man returning – the great harvest following by great judgment is coming over, evil won’t prevail! long ?14:14…20?
God’s wrath will soon be poured out in the disaster of “seven bowls”. But before the darkest hour , God give us a preview on the glorious prospect soon coming!

?Good news – the Egyptian sister Dr. Nashwa, with his husband also a doctor, devoted in serving God in Scotland, started a church meeting there . Nashwa got cancer this year, but thanks be to God,she is in good progress of recovery after operation. She is back to hospital already. Thanks for all your prayers !?Pls remember the testimony of God in England -in your prayers. ?

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