A Certain Future

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
…Blessed the dead who die in the Lord … they may rest from their labours; for their works follow with them. <14:13>

Follow the Lamb – to sound the song of triumph?
1. In the world – the evil force is manipulating like a beast (Rev13) – Satan seems in control over politics, finances, cultures & even religions, but it won’t last long! Now, follow the Lamb with a pure & brave heart!
2. In heaven – the Lamb & His followers sing new song with joy (Rev 14) – 144,000 represent community loving the Lord. Often stay with a group of pure-heart, faithful & zealous brothers & sisters. This is our fortress where we are molded & counter the enemies!

? Eduard Wuest fr Mennonite Brethren – a brother brought great harvests in Ukraine. He encountered God in bible studying & night watching meeting. He said the joy of salvation flooded his heart completely, which imprinted in him in his entire life. The joy of knowing Jesus unspeakable by words, but he was really eager to share this glory with all mankind! Wuest felt the vast grace of God, he could only lift his hands & shouted: praise the Lord! From then the Spirit kept on warming his heart, and urged him to commiserate the souls in distant lands!
? Don’t give way to Satan – Last week the Ark Channel called everyone to watch and pray , send letters to the Broadcasting Authority of HK – to object possible allowance of fortune telling advertisements. in TV/ radio stations. Bro Caleb Chu just received reply from the government, knowing that the Authority discussed this problem, the plan has been suspended. Jesus is Lord! The Lord hears all yr prayer over the world!

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