Be Pure

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
for in one hour so great riches has been made desolate … < 18:17>

Don’t befriend the world – God can tolerate no more ( Rev 18) :
1. God Acts: evil power which tortured the saints on earth is fallen in voice of judgment .? Rev 18 : 1…3 ?
2. God warns: His people should separate themselves because of divine calling .? Rev 18 : 4…8 ?
3. God cleanses: All luxuries & wealth gone in vain, leaving whole world in weeping & mourning ! ?Rev 18: 9…19 ?
4 . God judges: In the cry of joy of saints, all their hardships and sufferings they had in following the Lamb gain them better resurrection and crown of life (v.20-24)
The Great Babylon – the politic and economic system of the world which rebels against God– will definitely fall. Make sure you look through its tragic ending!

? Correction: The Egyptian sister Dr. Nashwa in Scotland is recovering, but she still can’t be back to her office . She needs more rest, now in her homeland Cairo with her family. Since the Ark Channel reported her news , saints across the land start to pray. She even received mails from saints in mainland China comforting her. Nashwa and her husband Nagy are very touched by the love of God shown to them. Keep watching; Our Lord comes sooner!

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