Hope of Glory

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
And I saw the dead, great and small, standing before the throne…<20:12>

Behold the day of final judgment — go share the gospel NOW ?Rev 20 ?:
1. The enemy is bound and defeated ? Rev 20: 1…10 ?
2. The saints come to life and enjoy the life eternal ?Rev 20:11…12 ?
Time flies, so grasp hold of time today in sight of the life everlasting!

?Father, with you thousand years is just like a day. There are 3 days more before 06′ ends, your children make this pray with one heart – may all souls predestined to be saved this year can all be saved; all saints appointed to revive gain strength. We also pray that all prayers according to your will in 06′ can all be answered! Remember more than a thousand saints receiving the Ark Channel, wherever they are , and no matter what situation or mood they are in. Give us chance to turn back, to revive, to run, and to complete our races. May all your great blessings be to your churches, in the name of Lord Jesus. Amen.

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