The Bride is Ready ?

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
…He has His name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS … < v.18>

Praises of the angels, universe, church and the Lamb’s bride — glory ahead :
1. Behold! The 3 things triggering the joyful chorus in heaven ?Rev 19: 1-10 ?
– the enemy is judged (v.1-4),
–the Almighty God reigns (v.5-6),
– the bride is ready (v.7-10)
2. Behold! The KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS is making His victorious return ?Rev 19: 11-21 ?
– All troops on earth are wiped out ( v.17-19, 21),
– the beast and the false prophet are captured ( v.20)

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