See Him Face to Face

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
I am … the beginning and the end. <22:13>

Eternal blessing…seeing God’s face in new Jerusalem?v.3…5?:
1. No more curse or night — Only God with us
2. Serve Him forever — and see His face always!
3. With God’s name on our forehead — we belong to Him forever
4. Reign till forever — God lives and abides with us
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him!

?He deserves our very best?nothing more, nothing less, nothing else??Charles R.Swindoll?
?Bro W. K. Tong ??? in HK has completed his race, fought his good fight, and was taken by the Lord peacefully at 7:15pm yesterday. Pls pray for his family.?He praised the Lord on his bed when I visited him for the last time, and I am sure he is still praising – now! ?

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