Alpha ?Omega

Revelations, Voice Divine Add comments
…Behold, I make all things new… <21:5>

Fix our eyes on the Lamb — building up the glorious Church!
1. Centre of the new world — the Holy City, new Jerusalem
2. Center of the new Jerusalem – the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb
“The bride of the Lamb” is the congregation of saints in all generations. We are also among them!

?Promise of God — I’m reading the bibliography of anchorman of NBC, Tim Russert, “”Big Russ ? Me”. It reports deep affection between father & son . Tim is very successful in his career. When he was small , his neighbor, Paul, died in accident at the age of 19. The whole community was in grief. Tim’s father, though a garbage collector, comforted Tim and said – we should give thanks for the love & memories of these 19 years with Paul …if God had promised us to send Paul to this world ,& let Paul to live 19 years with us, we should had accepted it with joy. Ever since that, Tim learnt this lesson by heart and treasure every single day.

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