Delivered Him Out Of All His Troubles

Acts Add comments

Come To A Land That I Will Show You! Ark Channel 05/07/2022 Tue Acts 7a

“And the patriarchs, becoming envious, sold Joseph into Egypt. But God was with him “ (v9)

* God’s intentions are different than ours. He allowed Stephen to be martyred as a grain of wheat, and used Saul to continue the work of life. These are extraordinary times, let us offer ourselves as vessels of glory!

Acts 7:1-29

* Francis of Assisi in the Middle Ages heard a voice in 1209: “Arise and proclaim that the Kingdom of God is at hand! Heal the sick and cleanse the lepers. Do not bring gold or silver, nor have coins in your pockets”. From then on he set his heart on the cross and followed the Lord, though himself poor, helping the poor with love. The famous prayer of Francis was his heartfelt message.

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