Welcome Jesus!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
..His name Jesus , for He shall save His people from their sins.(v.21 )

Beginning of the New Testament – how to start a new journey:
1. to Study a wonderful book – the Bible
2. to Know a wonderful God-man — Jesus

* ” 30+ years ago , X’mas Eve, a young man stood alone in a corner of a playground. Under the tainted streetlamp he saw an inverted image of a cross. The Spirit of God led him to face his own poor self , and he fell on his knees, confessed , repented and decided to follow Jesus. Suddenly he felt his sin left him, heavenly joy filled his heart. So he started to sing and dance around the image of the cross…” Afterward this young man became an excellent pastor, spreading the gospel wide and blessed numerous souls. helping the poorest people in remote area HK . 3 days ago he had finished his mission and taken by Lord. His name is Rev .K. W. Lee. ???

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