Lord, I am here!

Acts Add comments

Lord, who are you? – Ark Channel 08/07/2022 Fri Acts 9a

As he (Saul) neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. (v.3)

* Saul fell prostrate before the light from heaven. When he opened his eyes he couldn’t see anything! (v8). The Lord took away this man’s vision and pride so that he could focus directly on Him

Acts 9:1-19

* Thanks for praying for a miracle. That miracle took place yesterday when my precious Dad was fully healed and sanctified. Dad is now in perfect communion with His Savior Jesus Christ.
Please tell everyone, Dr. Leon Yuan is not dead!! He is now more alive than he ever was before!!! (Please pray for Bro. Yuan and his family, that there may be peace with them!)

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