God Shows No Partiality!

Acts Add comments

God was with Him! Ark Channel 11/07/2022 Mon Acts 10b

And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. (v42)

* God took a circuitous route to lead the family of Cornelius the centurion, to salvation! God maintains the principle of “using people to save people”, we are weak, but He still wants to pass on His life through us!

Acts 10:34-48

* That year I shared in my mother’s funeral. My sister-in-law’s second uncle (the eldest in the family) heard the full gospel and told me after the meeting that my mother had a good life. Two months later he was diagnosed with lung cancer and approached my brother. My brother then brought him to accept the Lord. About a year later, he went to his heavenly home with the hope of eternal life ~ Miss Ng

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