A Light has Dawned !

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Man does not live on bread alone , but on every word that comes from the mouth of God ( v.4)

Test of life –
1. Never compromise – Are all our choices follow God’s direction? (v.1-4)
2. Don’t be biased – Are we acting according to full and comprehensive knowledge on God’s words without any biases (v.5-7)
3. No shortcut – Do we regard suffering with our Lord the only way to glory & success? Or are we trying to avoid the cross? (v.8-11)

?Good news from YS Lee (2) – My father-in-law, aged 80+, got a stroke and had the right side of his body paralyzed. A week later , a brother came to hospital to preach to him. At first he was hardhearted, but was willing to pray with the brother for His mercy. A month after (26/11) we took him in wheelchair to gospel meeting in Sha Tin. After the message we suggested to answer the altar call. And to my surprise he said yes and accepted Jesus as his saviour. He responded by prayer, and he followed us in prayer in small group after meeting. Thanks God, though he had been hardhearted and away from God for 20+ years, God showed His mercy today.

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