The Lord Was With Them!

Acts Add comments

Many Believed And Turned To The Lord! Ark Channel 12/07/2022 Tue Acts 11

who will tell you words by which you and all your household will be saved.’ (v14)

* The Church is a tree of life, full of fruit, embracing different races and cultures. The Holy Spirit breakthrough using two kinds of people – are we like Peter, who had the courage to break new ground? Or are we like Barnabas, who had the heart to build new teams to grow the Church?

Acts 11:1-30

* I work as a physiotherapist in an elderly home. During a hot summer day, I bought a big watermelon to share with my colleagues. Before we ate it, I gave each a gospel leaflet. They all enjoyed and blessed each other. Even more thankful is that two of my elderly friends have accepted the Lord Jesus after evangelising to them for a year. ~ HK

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