He Tries My Hearts ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…… opened their treasures, they offered to Him gifts…<2:11 >

Enemy or friend ?
1. Allies of the King — Is our heart seeking the Lord? How we value Him? Have we prepared the best for Him? Do our hearts have rooms for Lord? ? 2:1…2; 9…12?
2. Enemies of the King – Power, status and vested interest distanced God & men, even making war between the two parties! ?2:3…8; 16…18 ?

??? , former boss of NBC was sad about the early death of his son. The anchorman of NBC news , Tim Russert , recalled how his own father had comforted him in the past, , told ?? the same thing: – If God came to you and said, ??, I have promised you to give you a happy & handsome son. He will live for 17 years, when time comes he will be back to the heavenly home. Will you accept this?” Then ?? understood that it is God’s will for his son to be back to heaven – it’s not a punishment. Afterward he wrote in the column of USA Today- There is a time for everything , we just don’t know the exact time. ( from “Big Russ ?Me? Father ? Son, Lessons of Life” ?

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