Hear Him

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…the heavens were opened to Him… < 3:16>

Silence is most difficult to endure — Father’s Voice :
1. The long 30 years – The King of Kings lived in privacy & served silently ?between Mt 2 – 3?
2. The Father & the Spirit – Witnessing the excellence of the Lord – a pass with perfect score! ?Mt 3:17?
Are we seeking for the approval of men , or our Father’s reward?

?Good news from YS Lee – father-in-law was saved, glory be to God (1) – To save my father-in-law is the most heartfelt wish of my wife and me for 20+ years. He was extremely superstitious, but we claim God’s promise: “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved – you and your household.” We didn’t give up though we failed year after year. In the lunar new year gospel meeting 2 years ago , we invited him to come. Just before the meeting started we can’t find him. After we found him he said just after he promised to come he had a bad fortune and got his legs hurt. Fo 2 years we dared not to invite him again. He had passed his 80 , so he can’t wait for long. In a Sunday morning last October , my wife had a strong feeling to pray for her dad -at 6 am . With God’s leading we invited him to travel . Miraculously, we have to replace our car, so we bought one with 7 seats (to carry the 4 members of my family plus my parents and my father-in-law) according to Lord’s will. Although my father-in-law was not yet saved, we still bought that car, hoping that car can become the ark of my family which save my whole family…(to be continued )

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