Learning to Trust!

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Pioneering journey of our King – preaching, teaching, healing & training:
1. Overcome the enemy in private; serve in public (v.12-16)–overcoming the invisible enemy before conquering the visible lands
2. Bind the enemy & plunder his wealth (v.17-25)–gain men before lands; we can be fishers of men if we submit ourselves under God’s authority.

* Frank Morison, a famous lawyer, didn’t believe in Jesus . He employed legal research method to reorganize the historic sources, aiming to overturn the belief of resurrection of Jesus, uncover the blind faith. But after careful research he wrote a book which made a hit to the academic circle–“Who Moved the Stone?”, and he himself believed in Jesus! (Even I myself had my faith strengthened when I was a new believer -after reading this book, thanks you, brother Frank!)

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