From Fear to Courage?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
you are the salt of the earth … the light of world … (Mt 5:13-14)

Uncommon life in this common world – be salt and light:
1. We are salt of the earth?v.13?– separated but yet “dissolving” in the world, to sterilize & to preserve from decay – change the world with His life!
2. We are light of world?v.14?– cast away darkness with righteousness, kindness & faithfulness, to turn the world to he Lord eternity – this is our mission.

?church of HK first big gathering in 07’. Message -“A life of meaning – serving God”. Altar called to serve God – whole life, whole body, whole family – throughout generations! May God gain us all – 2,000+ saints in 07!
?Bro Y. B. Chow????father of F. W. Chow????passed away on 6/1. May Lord comfort his family. may the Lord save his whole family.
?Family of K. L. Lai??? who had moved to Papua New Guinea for 18 years , baptized there , He now moved to Roma in Australia. They meet in new church in Roma (population near 7,000, only 6 Chinese ! Pls pray for their restaurant and their church service!)

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