Christ or Cash ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
No one can serve TWO masters! (Mt 6:24)

No one can serve two masters — 3 “crazy” ways of life – :
1. Money worship – Mammon, the common idol in the hearts of all people, is gaining the whole world. Are our hearts also captured by it? (v.19)
2. Opportunism –gambling with horse race? Ball games? Stocks? Your life? Or your love?
3.“Kingdomism”–Life is not gambling. While the world is crazy in stock market, we become “out of our mind” for God! (2 Cor 5:13)
God or mammon? You choose!

* A letter from brother Patrick Cheung in Thailand— “… With yours & others’ praying from various brothers and sisters, I have adapted the life in Bangkok quickly and peacefully. ,… Most important, I found a church here which has just started less than one year with cantonese preaching. …just 20 minutes from my apartment. …. Currently, there are only 30~40 attendance for the Cantonese session. . ( Patrick will stay there for 2 years. Pray for his growth in Christ and his family in HK, may Lord make great use of his life.)

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