Stand in Hope !

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…but he that does the will of my Father who is in the heavens. <7:21 >

House of Life – built on rock :
1. Solely follow the Father’s will – the judgments of men is not a matter, only God’s judgment is of life & death!. ?v.1…23?
2. Relationship with God is the key –bring His words in practice ,can endure the storm of life ? v.24…29 ?

?Finished reading a book on Germany .The author traveled for 11 cities. But the cover of the book is the “Shalechet” of the Judisches Museum Berlin which was built in memories of the Holocaust! There is a narrow path, the further you go, the narrower the way. Numerous round metal plates with faces on them are put on the floor…people have to step on them when to go, and the clanging sound on every step made sounded deep in visitors’ hearts…Bible prophesies on Jewish history in last 3,000 years all fulfilled, but Christ will return and end the of world & His people! ?”Shalechet” )

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