Footsteps Anointed

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
they saw the child … bowed down and worshipped him. ( v.11)

2 Great Matters of Life — What to Seek? What to Give?
1. The highest knowledge: knowing Christ – The wise men traveled for miles to find the king. Are we acknowledging that knowing the King of kings as the highest knowledge, & dedicate our lives for this?
2. The deepest worship: offering ourselves – Today all who know Him will knee & worship him!
The enemy attacked Jesus since he was going to drive out the king of the world (Jn 12:31) and destroy the devil’s work. (1 Jn 3:8b) Jesus is crowned, and we gain the kingly life through Christ & become God’s princes (Ps 113:8). All experiences in this life are kingly trainings for us!

* Funeral of Bro K. W. Tong??? (HK)- on 13/1 (Sat) 10:00 am at King Hang Hall of the Universal Funeral Parlour. May God comfort & bless.

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