Multiplying Peace

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Look at the birds of the heaven…<6:26>

Take time to fast, don’t worry on food:
1. Fasting is never for weight-losing! — in following Jesus, sometimes we have to give up our rights to let the will of Father be done?v.6…18?
2. Don’t be over-demanding on food — living for God’s glory & seek His kingdom and righteousness first? or indulged in luxurious clothing and food? ?v.22…32?- to live in abundance yet worrying? Eat & drink in the righteousness, peace and joy in Holy Spirit – that really please God?v.31…34?Rom 14:17?

?we mentioned about Thailand in lst mail . There are 50 millions of Buddhists in Thailand; Corruption, sexual immorality & superstitious beliefs formed a dead Triangle there. There are 10 millions souls in Bangkok yet there are only 40,000 saints in the capital (including foreign saints). Pray for the testimony of God in Thailand, may the Spirit visit the 1.2 millions students so that they can find the true light!
?The New Year sermon of church HK– …”A purposeful life”?by Samuel Ching ???/ Cantonese?

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