Narrow Road to Life

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…Knock, and it shall be opened to you. <7:7>

Judge yourself before the others – God does the final judgment:
1. Have we reflected on ourselves before pointing our fingers to others??v.1…5?
2. Do we treat others as yourself? Are we holding double standards??v.6…20?
3. We are living under God’s eyes. Will the Lord acknowledge you or reject you?? v.21…29?

?Don’t leave me over – Yesterday a mother witnessed that she read the Bible everyday last year. By the end of 06 she read Rev 20, & she shared about the ” book of life” with her children. Her few-year-old kids feared God , in tears they insisted to have the whole family saved without leaving one member in eternal judgment. The mother hugged the 2 children, they prayed in tears, decided to believe in Christ with full assurance . Her children even wrote it down!

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