Heal me !

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Lord, you can make me clean !(v. 2)

Our King – 3 Kinds of power — He is willing & able:
1. On our bodies – He has the power to heal (v.1-7)
2. Over nature – He has the power to govern (v.23-27)
3. To the spirits – He has the power to conquer (v. 28-34)

* fr Timothy Ng (HK) – A patient in Haven of Hope Hospital (HK) , W. H. Sze??? accepted the Lord just before his death, though he hadn’t been to any churches and he didn’t know any saints! But when he was dying ,16 of his relatives & friends believed in Jesus under the effort of the hospital pastor! His funeral organized by hospital; the pastor hopes some saints to come & strengthen the 16 new believers! None of us know him, but sincerely asked you all to pray for this family. If you are in HK, may go to funeral service : 15/1 (Mon) 7:30 pm 3/F C Fook Chik Hall, Pofookhill, Tai Wai (inquiry: Timothy- ngsiucheong@gmail.com)

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.”?Mt 25:40?

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