Rejoice , receive your King?

Revelations, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watches and keeps his garments…

My king will return soon , the heaven will be filled by Him!
1. Recognize that Satan’s inciting is behind all trickeries & strife on the world?v.17…21?
2. That there are injustices on earth, but final judgment is true & righteous. ?v.1…7?

? Great harvests in season – fewdays ago 2 youth gospel meetings in HK – 2 young men spoke on the topic “The Amazing Discovery”, gaining 121 students for Christ! Praise the Lord! Sunday a great children meeting is going to be held, with 500+ children and 300+ parents to come. Pray for all the souls, adults’ and kids’.? also remember Sam Kong in yr prayers?

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