His Yoke Easy !

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened … (v. 28)

More diligent, more rest:
1.Labour for kingdom–Only after 6 years of labored cultivation ,the Israelites enjoyed harvest. If we are to enjoy the glory & abundance of the kingdom, we must labour & cooperate with the Spirit, that we can enter the kingdom abundantly (2 Peter 1:3-11; 1 Cor 6:9-10; Gal 5:21; Rev 21:7). Be diligent in God’s grace!
2. Into peace – Most distresses are caused by sin; those away from God lost their peace. Jesus called us to enjoy peace – experience Christ more, learn his gentleness & humbleness, take His yoke(do God’s will)!

* 105 to be baptized (HK 20/21). Pls pray for new disciples to continue great work of the kingdom!
* Footprints of saints – K. K. Choi & W. P. Tong???, ??? had been back to HK for a funeral. back to Vancouver on 16/1. Bro Choi had a pure heart toward Lord , devoted himself in studying the Bible. Pls pray for this family. (There are 30 millions souls in Canada, but the influence of faith declining. In 90’ there are 2.5 believers in every 10 , but in 01’ the Christian proportion dropped to 1 in every 10! Be diligent, O church in Canada!)

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