Your Wants, His Care?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
blessed is whosoever shall not be offended in me. <11:6>

Arena of life – stepping up or down;
1. Sometimes God fulfills our wishes?v.7…14?… In the climax of life ,John the Baptist’s only task was to direct people to Christ. If God places you in centre of stage, it is only for glorifying His name!
2. Sometimes God rejects our prayer?v.15…19?… Mision fullfilled , you should leave the stage. John martyred with no regrets! Don’t be disappointed with Him when your wishes don’t come true!

? I met a youth Ringo – just baptized . Once he helped repair the computers for a company, the boss put gospel pamphlets beside him ,later gave him invitation leaflets of gospel meeting. He had rejected Christ for a long time , but this time he came in a rainy day.however he went a wrong way . A brother went to seek him in rain. Found! He received Christ on that day , then attended the whole course for new believers –baptized yesterday!

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