Crown after Cross

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
He shall not strive or cry out… <12:19>

Jesus is the Greatest ?v.1…42?:
1. As King, Chist is greater than Solomon?v.3-4, 42?…His law saves rather than judges .
2. As Priest ,Chist is greater than the Temple?v.5…6?– He makes offering for us everyday.
3. As Prophet ,Chist is greater than Jonah?v.7; 41? — With Him our lives have become miracles.

?Wonderful love – 2 days ago , 3 sisters baptized . They witnessed the unceasing love of God, decided to be Lord’s disciples together. Another youth was born in Buddhist family. Suffering from serious sickness since F.1, she used to visit the hospital 3 times a month. She was also beaten badly by her family. One day 2 elder sisters shared Lord’s love with her in MTR station , even prayed for her health & her family. Afterward her health & ffamily really turned better. From then she started going to church ,finally baptized !
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