Rooted in Christ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…sown upon the good ground … hears and understands the word, who bears fruit also …<13:23>

Fate of men — heart is the wellspring of life:
1. The kingdom of heaven -story of growing of eternal seed – It’s not the pursue of Utopia by human strength or intelligence. This eternal seed only produced when men’s hearts accept God’s Words (1 Peter 1:23 )
2. Jesus pointed out 4 situations of men’s hearts —
1. On roadside ( can’t perceive the Word since their hearts filled & hardened by worldly matters)
2. On stony place (rocks in hearts like lust, pride, self-pity…prevent the seed to get rooted)
3. Among the thorns ( hearts perplexed by money & worldly matters- the Word is choked – can’t grow)
4. Into good ground (without the 3 things above mentioned , be the good ground. Yield 100 times!)
Our Life becomes rich in Christ . Want to have high returns? Clean your heart often and let Lord’s Words take root in it!

?Bro T. L. Tang (???) – his wife M. Y.Law ?? has serious cancer, stopped treatment & nowhome rest .Their young children Lok & Kin ????? still calm. Thanks for caring shown by you all , pls continue to pray & support?Bro Tang still proclaims the following —
“but as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord!”?

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