Treasure of Life !

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it (v.46)

God is sowing seeds– to human hearts, and to the world :
1. Can God sent you freely – that you can influence & bear fruits in place He sent you to?
2. God speaks once & again (In Mt 13 the word “listen” appears 19 times), have we listened? Have we obeyed?

*2 sisters, M. W. Yu??? & T. U. Hung??? were brought up in South Korea & North Korea respectively. Both of them witnessed the turmoil in warring times. Someone asked if there is a God , why we have so many miseries and sufferings? Sister Hung said— if God doesn’t exist , our miseries may be hundredford,
thousandfold, millionfold than today’s!

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