Bury your dream and walk with Him

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
…seeing dumb speaking, crippled sound, lame walking, and blind seeing; and they glorified the God of Israel. <15:31>

Great Work of our Lord:
1. Proclaiming the truth – Lord proclaimed the truth to the stubborn Jews?v.1…20?
2. Showing mercy – Jesus showed His endless mercy to the suffering Gentiles! (v.21-39)

? A couple of Li’s family ,moved to Thailand for 4 years to share the love of Christ after their marriage. The wife ,Sister Han ??, born in Beijing & brought up in Xian. She moved to HK at her 17, due to language barriers she grew depressed. In 89’ she met Jesus in Chinese University of HK; her young heart was deeply touched . In 91′ she determined to go aboard for the Lord’s gospel. When they entered Thailand they were stopped in the customs inspection, hinted to pay unreasonable money of their piano & computer, (without receipt!) What to do ? (To be continued.)

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