Shine , Jesus Shine !

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
How many loaves do you have ? (v.34)

Jesus won’t forsake those come to Him:
1. worship without sincere heart is in vain (v.1- 20)
2. But the Lord is tender-hearted to those who have faith and cometo Him (v.21-28)

* young couple Wai Leung ?? & Han Yuk?? traveled to Israel for honeymoon. Being so zealous for Jesus , they shaed His love to 100+ Chinese workers there and brought 10+souls to Christ. 3 months after marriage, they went to Thailand for 4 years & and seeking the lost. They were extorted in the customs inspection, hinted to pay “special money” so they called Jesus for help!! A local friend came & whispered a few words to officer, & they let them go at once –“we are missionaries ! ”.Since Christians & foreign missionaries have good testimony in Thailand, benefited the society very much. To show respect, they were allowed to enter Thailand without paying “special “money !

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