Start with faith and love!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
On this rock I will build my church …?v.18?

Great faith & mission – revelations of Christ & building of His Church:
1. Who is the Lord? — He is the eternal King, summary of all prophecies, the Messiah saving, the Son of God, and our Savior?v.13…16?
2. What’s His work? – To give us divine revelations , grant us life and authority, build us into His holy church, to destroy God’s enemies!?v.17…19?

? In the morning of 6th Dec, 1934, American missionary John Cornelius Stam & his wife were killed in Anhwei of China. In the last letter they sent to saints before martyrdom —- May God bless you and direct you. For us, no matter we are alive or dead, God have all His glory.”?they were 27 and 28 of age ?After 73 years in today, there are 80 millions of Christians in China.
? Letter from Siu Yung??, the young servant of God: –W. L. Lee??? and Y. Han?? were my senior in secondary school. In a few years they had brought 200+ schoolmates to Christ, establishing the huge parish of youth in the Church of Christ in China Shatin Church. They are now in seminary school in America.

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