God did promised strength for our lives!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…they saw no one but Jesus alone. <17:8>

Living in God’s kingdom – only listen to Christ & look upon Jesus:
1. The king’s glory?v.1…13? — nothing to boost on special experiences, since all these serve to direct us to listen to, to look upon, to serve & to follow Lord!
2. The king’s authority?v.14…21 ?– kneeing & begging of man moved His heart to drive out demons!
3. The king’s Humility?v.22…27?– This was the only time Jesus used his power to meet his own need?in fact for not offending others!?

? Letter from Victoria Lam: Pls pray for a sister Queenie Leung of my cell group. She has an operation for cancer 2 weeks ago, 4-6 chemotherapy treatments ahead. His glory manifested in her .
?Letter from Frances Ng:…My father used to be a sufferer of long-term disease & I felt deeply the hardship as family member of patients. A hospital pastor visited my father very often, and I was encouraged by his serving. I wished to take part in this service after my father passed away. In July 06 I learnt from Ark Channel about this ministry, so I enrolled. Now I visit patients once every week…I sent this to say a thank you as I have the opportunity to take part in this service through the Ark Channel.

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