I will praise, I will wait?

Matthew, Sunday Hope, Voice Divine Add comments
should not you also have had compassion on your fellow – bondman, as I also had compassion on you? <18:33>

Seek the lost brothers, and bring Lord’s presence:
1. Win a lost brother ?v.5…18?21…35?
2. Then win a partner of prayer! ?v.19…20 ?

?I’m reading the bibliography of Condoleeza Rice, US Secretary of State. Herdream was to become a pianist , but turned out a politician. Since Rice was small she loved Jesus, but cooled down when grown up & got involved in busy work, even stopped church life. However when her mother was in serious sickness , God showed grace and let her lived 10+ years -until Rice reached her 30. Witnessing the death of her mother, Rice nearly collapsed .The Lord comforted her From then her spirit revived with hope, & she resumed church meetings whenever she has time. (You won’t be busier than Rice !)

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