Life to Serve?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. <20:28>

Seek the Giver rather than His gifts :
1. Redeem your time! Why keep standing idle? ?v.1…16?
2. whoever give their lives in serving are the greatest! ?v.17…28?

* Sister Olive M. Chiu ?? fr church in Sydney –“Thanks for daily message of Ark Channel, really good & helpful… it connects the scattered saints all over the world…. Everything’s alright here in Australia. The church just had a special meeting for 4 days and 3 nights, with 60+ saints . Bros M. C. Chan??? &Joseph Wai ??? gave messges …my husband Bernard, a new believer, enjoyed it too…he will be baptized…in the last Sunday of 06, he spoke for 45 minutes for his testimony, it was touching…The Lord has heard my prayers, wish that I and my house can be servants of God…now I’m waiting for new job. I commit this in God’s hands & let Him show my way. God Bless us — In Christ, Olive

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