As the night passes, love is lit!

Timothy 2 Add comments

Love of the Lamb, Song of the bride! – Ark Channel 27/10/2022 Thu 2 Timothy 1

…join with me in suffering for the gospel, by the power of God. (v.8)

* 2 Timothy contains Paul’s heartfelt last words. One day, each of us will write our own farewells. Paul did not recount any of his accomplishments, instead reminding the younger ones to fight for truth all of their lives (Chapter 1), suffer for truth (Chapter 2), stay true to the faith (Chapter 3), and preach the Way (Chapter 4). This life is limited; in store is a crown! (4:8)

2 Timothy 1:1-18

* Paster XJ Yang/楊錫鏘牧師 speaks on Jesus’ struggles: facing mankind’s weaknesses

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