Make me Whole ?

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
…go, sell what you have and give to the poor…and come, follow me. < 19:21>

It was as in the beginning – marriage: union in 4 aspects (Mt 19:1…12 ??
1. Divine Union – Marriage, being initiated by God, should never be explained according to men’s favour.
2. Physical Union – marriage relationship lasts till death!
3. Eternal Union – be of one mind for the rest of life!?no try-out, no return!?
4. Union of one man & one woman – in the beginning God made “a man and a woman” into a “couple”, all other combinations are illegal?Mt 19: 8; Gen 2?

?Countdown: 14 days… Superstitious beliefs flourish in every Chinese New Year, but the church in HK confronts the trend. From 90’ till now (17 years in total) we organized massive gospel meetings in Chinese New Year – the “New Life, New Hope Gospel Meeting”. In every year the number of attendance is around 5,000 man-times, among them there are 300+ turning to Jesus (so 6,000 believers cumulated in 17 yrs ). 200,000 gospel leaflets and more than 10,000 CDs and tapes are issued every year to families throughout HK . This year 4 meetings , please pray for it! ?Inquiry)

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