Lord, have mercy on us!

Matthew, Voice Divine Add comments
And Jesus… touched their eyes… sight restored …they followed Him. <20:34>

What would you have me do to you?
1. All but grace: parable of vineyard (v.1-16) – It’s God’s grace that we can serve and live in the churcht. We should only worship the Lord when seeing others have greater blessings, not to be envious.
2. The bitter cup: the way of our Lord (v.17-28) – Jesus set an example for us: drinking the bitter before sitting on the throne. High places in the kingdom are given to those drinking Jesus’ cup. (The bitter cup means to be the servant of all, to serve but not to be served.) Humbling ourselves to serve others is a must before we can get to the throne.

?Footprints of saints – Indian brother Sunny?Santosh Gurnani?is visitng his homeland India for a month. He aims at sharing good news to his family and his relatives. Sunny was brought up in HK, and he lived upstairs of my church when he was small. He grew up to be a good and godly brother. Remember Sunny in your prayers!

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