He Aids Us!

Hebrews Add comments

Looking Up to Our Captain of Salvation! – Ark Channel 05/11/2022 Sat Hebrews 2

… all things in subjection under his feet. (v8)

* Our Captain of Salvation – for whom and through whom everything exists – has triumphed over death and crushed the devil. He is now our High Priest praying for us who are tempted by weakness. He disciplines us and strengthens us. Now on the path of sanctification, Christ the Holiest knows all our twists and turns. Despite all the uncertainties, He is leading us to perfection!

Hebrew 2:1-18

* Two Chinese sermons on Revelation by Brother Dixon IP Tak Sang / 葉特生
The Lamb and the New City, Sermon 1(羔羊與新城(啟示錄第1堂))
The Lamb and the New City, Sermon 2(羔羊與新城(啟示錄第2堂))

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